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The Aviator Newsletter

Writer: OAMOAM

Spring 2024


I would like to extend a personal “Thank You” to all of the volunteers, members, donors, and partners that helped make the first quarter of 2024 an unqualified success. As you will read in the Quarterly update below, there is a lot going on at the museum right now. This just wouldn’t be possible without your help. Thank you again.

Best Regards,

John Horton

President, Oakland Aviation Museum Board of Trustees.


Museum Update for Q1 2024


Open Cockpit Day

On March 3rd, approximately 600 visitors braved uncertain weather and enjoyed the first Open Cockpit Day of the year. Civil Air Patrol Cadet Squadron volunteers assisted visitors climb in and out of cockpits safely and helped safeguard the display aircraft. The RC Club brought an extensive display of RC models and was on hand to answer questions from the public. The 99’s table provided information about their organization and shared information about upcoming activities (see below). The Masonic Lodge provided a Hot Dog and Hamburger lunch with proceeds donated to local organizations. It was a good day. Many thanks to all the volunteers. We couldn’t do it without you. The next Open Cockpit Day is June 16th, 2024. Save the Date.


Jimmy Doolittle Room

If you haven’t visited for a while, the Doolittle Room was updated recently. Check it out.

The museum recently hosted members of the San Francisco Chinese Consulate in preparation for the anniversary of the Doolittle Raid. The picture shows representatives of the Chinese Consulate with Conway Jones and the museum’s bust of Feng Ru, the father of Chinese aviation.

A Memorial Hall to the Doolittle Raid opened in 2018 in Quzhou, China in 2018. “Besides recounting the raid, it also recounts the story of the selfishness of Quzhou villagers who helped rescue the United States pilots, and crew, up to 51 airmen in all.” The people of Quzhou demonstrated tremendous courage and compassion by bravely sheltering the weary pilots and crew, sharing their food, transporting them across rugged terrain and protecting them at great personal risk. What is not widely known in the US is the Japanese then retaliated, killing about 250,000 Chinese in the region, of which at least 40,000 were in Quzhou.

There are two upcoming events related to the Doolittle Raid anniversary. First, on April 14th , representatives from China will tour the Doolittle exhibit at OAM. Second, OAM will join a public screening of a new documentary, “Shangrao Rescue of the Doolittle Raid,” at the SF Public Main Library from 3 PM – 5 PM on Tuesday, April 16th . This movie “retells the fading history of the aftermath of the Doolittle Raid.” Mark your calendars.


99 Room Update

The Bay Area Ninety-Nines are in the process of updating the 99’s room. A new monitor and video exhibit have been installed. Old exhibits have upgraded with the help of display cases donated by the Port of Oakland. Work is ongoing. It is worth a look. Learn more about the Bay Area 99’s by checking out the new display and visiting their website at


Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) Chapter 1686

OAM is the host of the newly formed Oakland EAA Chapter 1686. The Chapter meets at OAM on the third Thursday of the month. The gathering starts at 6:00 with the meeting starting at 6:30. More information can be found at Chapter 1686 (


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